Fourier Series: Expansions of a periodic function of period 2π expansion of even and odd functions half range series. Vector integration: line, surface and volume integrals theorems of Gauss, Stokes and Green – simple problems. Vector Differentiation: Gradient, divergence, curl, directional derivative, unit normal to a surface. #IX PRIME MOMENT OF INERTIA OF A CIRCLE SERIES#
UNIT IV – Vector Calculus, Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms
Method of variation of parameters Total differential equations, simple problems. Second-order differential equations with constant coefficients with particular integrals for eax, xm, eax sin mx, eax cos mx. First-order but of higher degree equations – solvable for p, solvable for x, solvable for y, claimant’s form – simple problems. UNIT III – Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms Double Integrals change of order of integration triple integrals applications to area, surface are volume. Beta and Gamma functions, properties and simple problems. Methods of finding asymptotes of rational algebraic curves with special cases.
Curvature the radius of curvature in Cartesian coordinates polar coordinates equation of a straight line, circle and conic the radius of curvature in polar coordinates p-r equations evolutes envelopes. Conics – Parabola, ellipse, hyperbola and rectangular hyperbola – pole, polar, co-normal points, con-cyclic points, conjugate diameters, asymptotes and conjugate hyperbola.
Methods of integration Properties of definite integrals Reduction formulae – Simple problems. Total differentials Jacobians Maxima and Minima of functions of 2 and 3 independent variables – necessary and sufficient conditions Lagrange’s method – simple problems on these concepts. nth derivative Leibnitz’s theorem and its applications Partial differentiation. UNIT II – Calculus, Coordinate Geometry Of 2 Dimensions And Differential Geometry Expansions of sin x, cos x, tan x in terms of x sin nx, cos nx, tan nx, sin nx, cos nx, tan nx, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions – simple problems. Summation of Series: Binomial, Exponential and Logarithmic series theorems Summation of finite series using the method of differences – simple problems. Descartes rule of signs: Approximate solutions of roots of polynomials by Newton – Raphson Method – Horner’s method Cardan’s method of solution of a cubic polynomial. Theory of Equations: Polynomial equations Imaginary and irrational roots Symmetric functions of roots in terms of coefficient Sum of the powers of roots Reciprocal equations Transformations of equations. TNPSC CSSE Exam Syllabus 2021 UNIT I – Algebra and Trigonometry The questions in Paper–I & Paper-II will be set both in Tamil and English. General Studies (Degree Standard) – 75 Questions and Aptitude and Mental Ability Test (SSLC Standard) – 25 Questions Paper- II(General Studies) (100 Questions) (Code No.003) Paper – I(Subject Paper) (200 Questions) Degree Standard Any one of the following SCs, SC(A)s, STs, BCs (OBCM), MBC(V), MBC and DNCs, MBCs and BCMs Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC)Ĭombined Statistical Subordinate Service Examination (CSSE)Ĭomputer–cum vaccine storekeeper, Block Health Statistician & Statistical Assistant #IX PRIME MOMENT OF INERTIA OF A CIRCLE PDF#
TNPSC Combined Statistical Service Examination Syllabus 2021 – Overview TNPSC Combined Statistical Service Examination Syllabus 2021 PDF & Download CSSE Exam Pattern
3.4 UNIT IV – Vector Calculus, Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms. 3.3 UNIT III – Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms. 3.2 UNIT II – Calculus, Coordinate Geometry Of 2 Dimensions And Differential Geometry. 1 TNPSC Combined Statistical Service Examination Syllabus 2021 – Overview. The candidates can use this article to get more marks and ideas about the examination. To the bottom of this page, you can easily get the TNPSC CSSE Exam Syllabus 2021 & Exam Pattern For Subject Wise Syllabus in PDF Format. So, candidates can prepare for the TNPSC Combined Statistical Service Exam 2021 without any disturbance.
Not only the TNPSC Combined Statistical Service Examination Syllabus pdf you can also get the TNPSC Combined Statistical Service Exam Pattern from this page. So, we provided the TNPSC CSSE Exam Syllabus 2021 to score more marks in the TNPSC CSSE Exam.
The candidates eagerly check and prepare for the examination. The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has officially released the Computer–cum vaccine storekeeper, Block Health Statistician & Statistical Assistant Posts Combined Statistical Subordinate Service Examination (CSSE) Recruitment. TNPSC Combined Statistical Service Examination Syllabus 2021 PDF & Download CSSE Exam Pattern: Are you searching TNPSC Combined Statistical Service Examination Syllabus? Yes, You are in the right place.